Beste Surprising Benefits of Sex
Sex Lowers Stress
Your body releases the hormone cortisol when you're under stress. Though your body needs small amounts of cortisol to function successfully, too much of it might make you feel stressed or exhausted. However, endorphins, which are feel-good hormones that can improve your mood and help return cortisol levels to normal, are released during sex.
Oxytocin sometimes referred to as the "Love Hormone," is released when you have sex and makes you feel calmer and closer to your partner, which further reduces stress.
Sex Increases Your Immune System
By promoting the development of antibodies that guard against infections, such as those caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), sex can strengthen your immune system.
Researchers at Wilkes University in Pennsylvania discovered that college students who had sex three or more times a week had higher saliva levels of the antibody immunoglobulin A, which strengthens the body's defenses against some bacteria and viruses.
Sex Benefits Your Mental Health
Your body releases Feel-Good hormones like dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphins during sexual activity.
These hormones support improved mental health by decreasing anxiety, elevating your mood, and strengthening your emotional bond with your partner, sexual activity is also linked to lower rates of depression
Sex May Prevent Prostate Cancer
Men who ejaculate more frequently may be less likely to get prostate cancer. Your body releases fluid and cells from your prostate when you ejaculate, which helps to get rid of any toxins or dangerous chemicals that can raise your risk of developing cancer.
Men in their 20s and 40s who ejaculated at least 21 times a month had a 20 percent lower risk of prostate cancer.
Sex Offers Natural Pain Relief
Natural painkillers is the same feel-good hormones that assist your body in dealing with stress. Endorphins, which are released in significant amounts during sexual relations, interact with brain receptors to prevent the transmission of pain signals.
According to a 2013 University of Münster survey, sex reduces the symptoms of migraine attacks and cluster headaches
Sex Helps You Sleep
Prolactin is one of the hormones your body releases during sex, specifically during an orgasm. Prolactin plays a role in controlling sleep.
The drowsy, calm feeling that frequently follows sex is mostly caused by the prolactin rise. This improves deeper, more restful sleep as well as making it easier for you to fall asleep.
Sex Supports Menstrual Health
Having sex during your period may help reduce the pain if you get cramps. Your uterus strains to release its lining, which causes cramps. The uterine muscle contracts during orgasms as well, however, there is a release that might relieve tension afterward. Masturbation offers the same advantages as period sex if you're uncomfortable with it.
Women without hormonal birth control who have regular menstrual cycles may benefit from regular intercourse to maintain regular ovulation and balance reproductive hormones like estrogen.
Sex Strengthens Your Pelvic Floor
Your pelvic floor muscles naturally contract and relax during an orgasm, providing a brief workout. These muscles support your prostate (in men) or uterus (in women), as well as your bladder and colon.Relaxing the pelvic floor muscles can help people with penises control erections and ejaculation, while those with vaginas can increase arousal and facilitate orgasms.
In addition to making sex more pleasurable, strengthening these muscles helps improve bladder control and reduce your risk of developing incontinence as you age.
Sex May Improve Heart Health
Sexual activity may benefit your heart in several ways. It increases your heart rate, which increases circulation and helps maintain a healthy range of blood pressure.