5 Minute Fit Finisher Ab Workout: Quick Core Burn You Can Do Anytime

The workout includes exercises like ab wheels and hollow rocks, making sure your abs get the full burn.

With no extra equipment needed, even the busiest can fit this workout into their day.

What do you need?

Dumbbells work well for exercises like renegade rows, where each arm lifts a weight while holding a plank, challenging stability and core strength. 

Kettlebells are great for exercises such as kettlebell swings, engaging the entire core as well as the hips, glutes, and shoulders.

Key Takeaways

  • Quick and effective core workout suitable for all fitness levels
  • Can be easily done without any equipment
  • Balanced exercise routine for core strength development

Don't Hold Your Breath Workout Routine

10 Ab wheels

10 Hollow rocks

6 Pushup plank openers (alternate weak and strong wide each round)

10 Renegade rows (alternate weak and strong side each round)

Renegade Rows

Complete as many rounds as you can in the 5 Minute Time Period. See if you can get more rounds on your weak side compared to your strong side.

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Russian Twists and Leg Raises

Sitting with feet off the ground, twist the torso from side to side while holding a weight or simply clasping hands together. This motion helps in developing core stability and flexibility.

Russian twists are perfect for engaging the obliques while improving rotational strength.

Leg raises primarily target the lower abs

Lying flat, lift the legs until they form a right angle with the body

Slowly low the legs back without touching the floor.

Don't worry about unbalanced training 

Many trainers talk about getting the same number of repeats on both sides. But the truthis , there's a reason why you have a weak spot on your body.


Work on your weak side 

Heavier Weight

More Reps

Focus solely on the weak side

Correct Breathing

During  Ab Exercises, exhale as you contract your muscles and inhale as you release.

This method keeps the body supplied with oxygen, improving performance and reducing fatigue.

This workout is named "Don't Hold Your Breath" because  will be burning, so you'll need to learn to breathe.

1. Ab Wheel

This is known as the "Six Pack Maker". Ab Wheels are simple to find, you don't require one of the complicated wheels, you can easy find on Amazon for less than 20

The Ab Wheel is so great is that it makes you work your abs, just like a hollow hold would.

To maintain proper form, you must hollow your stomach and flatten your back.

The Ab Wheel will strengthen your chest and shoulders.



Don't push too far out. Just enough to feel your abs contract, then bring them back in.

Inexperienced people often stretch themselves too much, disengage their abs, and end up arching their low back. Low back pain may result from this.

Keep it simple and start this workout slowly.

  • Maximum stability with double wheels
  • Additional training mat
  • Practical

2. Hollow Rocks

This is known as the "Six Pack Maker". Ab Wheels are simple to find, you don't require one of the complicated wheels, you can easy find on Amazon for less than 20

The Ab Wheel is so great is that it makes you work your abs, just like a hollow hold would.

To maintain proper form, you must hollow your stomach and flatten your back.

It will strengthen your chest and shoulders.


Step 1 

Your hips should be slightly off the floor as you rock back smoothly. Maintain your ab crunch by keeping your head and shoulders off the ground.

Step Two

To begin a rock, raise your legs a few inches above the ground and then push them down. To begin going, you'll need some momentum.

You feel like the bottom of a rocking chair on the hollow rock.

As your upper body lifts off the ground, your abs remain taut.

To make it smooth when you rock back, slightly round your low back.

Additionally, maintain a straight posture.

The entire time, your body remains solid and hollowed down.

Step 3

Just before your heels touch the floor, stop your rock forward. Just to be sure we're in agreement...

Step 4

Your hips should be slightly off the floor as you rock back smoothly. Maintain your ab crunch by keeping your head and shoulders off the floor.

Big Tips

.If your low back begins to lift off the floor when you're rocking...

.Get down on your knees!

.You can crunch more forcefully and maintain your low back on the floor by bending your knees.

.While I complete my repetitions, hold a hollow hold if this exercise is still too difficult.

3. Push Up Plank Openers

You might need to hold your side plank if you have trouble to perform the pushup.

This is where you'll receive fantastic shoulder stability work in addition to good core work.

Stack your feet, as you reach side plank position.

It makes you use higher arm strength.

Fall straight into the pushup when you come back down.

If you are able to maintain your balance.

One of the biggest forms of exercise for beginners is walking.

4. Dumbbell Renegade Rows

This exercise is great. It's an ab burner, but you get a little relief when you incorporate the renegade rows and plank openers.

If you have trouble to perform.

You might need to hold your side plank for a little longer

It's a repetitive (push) exercise.

However, as you increase the weight, you'll notice that your core gets really tight.

Your shoulders will be blasted once more.

For every row, keep your body stiff and your legs straight.

Why do my Abs Burn when I exercise?

The burning sensation is a sign that the muscles are being challenged, which is normal during workouts. It's okay to continue, but if the burn turns into pain, it's advisable to stop and rest.

The machine chest press is a multipurpose equipment that can be an excellent match for many lifters' chest day routines.

What should be on a Keto Grocery List besides offering Breakfast, Lunch, and supper Food Ideas?

Is a short ab workout really enough to see results?

A 5-minute ab routine, focusing on intensity and quality, can strengthen the core over time.

Combining it with a Balanced Diet and other physical activities can lead to visible improvements.

What stretches should I do after an intense ab session?

After working out the abs, gentle stretches help with recovery. The cobra stretch and child’s pose are great choices. These stretches target the abdominal muscles, easing tension and promoting flexibility. 

10 to 15 minutes is the duration that a stretching session should last.

After working out, do static stretches, holding each position for about 20 seconds. Take about 20 seconds performing it.

Don't push yourself, stretching shouldn't hurt  while stretching

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